Office of the Syndic
The Office of the Syndic’s main mission is to ensure physiotherapists and physiotherapy technologists comply with current regulations for physiotherapy professionals. The office plays a key role in ensuring patients’ rights are respected and members’ behaviour is appropriate.
The Office of the Syndic investigates OPPQ members when it receives information or suspects that a member is in breach of the Code of Ethics, the Professional Code, or any other OPPQ regulation. The Office of the Syndic is an independent body and its work is completely confidential.
If you notice something strange or believe your physiotherapy professional is not respecting your rights, you can contact the Office of the Syndic to request an enquiry.
7 things you should know before requesting an enquiry:
- Fact 1: To request an enquiry, you must fill out the online form or send a signed cover letter to the Office of the Syndic. The Office of the Syndic can help you if you are having trouble wording your request.
- Fact 2: It is free to file an enquiry request.
- Fact 3: You do not have to pay any fees if your enquiry request results in a disciplinary process.
- Fact 4: The Office of the Syndic will guide claimants through the enquiry process.
- Fact 5: You are entitled to counsel from the person of your choice throughout the enquiry process.
- Fact 6: Your anonymity cannot be guaranteed during the enquiry process. The Office of the Syndic strives to maintain the anonymity of claimants. However, it may need to assess certain aspects of the treatment you received, and may have to reveal your identity to the physiotherapy professional to obtain this information. The Office of the Syndic will make sure the professional under investigation does not communicate with you.
- Fact 7: The purpose of an enquiry request should not be to seek damages for professional misconduct. If you wish to be compensated, you should apply to a civil court.
The Enquiry Process
Docket, disciplinary decisions and practice limitations
The Disciplinary Council docket is a list of disciplinary cases that have a scheduled hearing date. The list is public and includes the date, time, and place of the hearing, the nature of the complaint, and the names of the complainant and respondent.
Disciplinary Hearings
Disciplinary hearings are currently held via videoconference, unless otherwise indicated. For more information on hearings, please contact the Office of the Disciplinary Council at or at 514-351-2770, ext. 239.
Docket (in french only)
Aucun rôle d’audience
Any complaints about physiotherapists or physiotherapy technologists violating regulations in force will be referred to the Disciplinary Council. If the Council finds the member guilty of an offence, they may face sanctions (suspension, fines, etc.).
Disciplinary Council decisions are published on the websites of:
To protect the public, the Board of Directors (BoD), the Executive Committee (EC) or the Disciplinary Council (DC) can decide to restrict or to suspend a member’s professional practice.
Current Practice Restrictions
- Mohsen Amouzegar | EC Decision – October 10, 2014
- Lucie Tétreault | EC Decision – October 14, 2016
- Stéphane Trudeau | EC Decision – November 25, 2016
- Joël Ngombo | DC Decision – November 6, 2020