Ordre professionnel de la physiothérapie du Québec (OPPQ)’s main mission is to protect citizens seeking the services of physiotherapists and physiotherapy technologists.
To achieve this mission, only OPPQ members are authorized to practice physiotherapy and use the titles reserved for physiotherapy professionals.
How does OPPQ protect the public ?
OPPQ must ensure that physiotherapists and physiotherapy technologists possess the skills necessary to practice their professions and that they comply with the regulations in force. To this end, OPPQ monitors and controls its members’ professional practices through the following means:
- OPPQ uses admission as a framework for the licensing of physiotherapists and physiotherapy technologists. This ensures applicants have the training and skills necessary to practice their profession.
- Professional enquiries are used to assess the professional practices of physiotherapists and physiotherapy technologists and ensure that OPPQ members are competent.
- The Office of the Syndic intervenes if a physiotherapist or physiotherapy technologist violates the Code of Ethics or fails to comply with the regulations of the practice.
- The Legal Department investigates allegations of non-members practicing physiotherapy illegally or using a professional title without authorization.
What are your rights ?
The physiotherapy professional you consult must respect your rights at all times. They must provide you with the information you need to be able to consent to the treatment.
OPPQ also publishes information so the general public can make informed decisions when choosing a physiotherapy professional:

What are your options if there’s a problem ?
If you encounter a problem when using the services of a physiotherapy professional, you can file an enquiry request with the Office of the Syndic.
You can also report illegal physiotherpy practices or the unauthorized use of professional titles to OPPQ.