Nathalie Marchand,
Physio Outaouais / Clinique du coureur
Private clinic
406, Boulevard Alexandre-Taché, Gatineau (Québec) J9A 1M5
819 775-9515
Spoken language(s)
- English, French
Treatments and services
- Physiotherapy with McKenzie approach
- Sport physiotherapy
- Telerehabilitation
- Vestibular rehabilitation
Reasons for consultation
- Arthritis – osteoarthrosis
- Artificial hip, knee replacements, etc.
- Back pain
- Fracture
- Musculoskeletal injuries (tendonitis, bursitis, capsulitis, sprain, etc.)
- Peripheral nerve injury
- Pre- and post-operative care
- Pregnancy (perinatal)
- Sports injuries and prevention
- Traffic accident (SAAQ)
- Vertigo and dizziness
- Work accident - Employment injury (CNESST)