
Resuming practice

Processes presented on this page apply to candidates who wish to re-register with the OPPQ.

The process varies depending on the length of time during which the candidate was not registered at the OPPQ. 

Re-registering as a member after less than 3 years

Candidates who have been deregistered from the OPPQ for less than 3 years and wish to re-register are invited to contact Admissions Services at to obtain a reregistration form and find out what fees they need to pay.

Re-registering as a member after more than 3 years

This section applies to candidates in the following situations:

  • You would like to register more than 3 years after the date on which you were eligible for a licence from OPPQ
  • It has been more than 3 years since you were listed on the membership roll
  • You would like to resume practice after not having practised physiotherapy for over 3 years (while remaining a member of the OPPQ)

Following the assessment of your application, refresher training (courses and/or internships) may be required. A competency assessment may be necessary to determine which courses or internships are required. For more info on competency assessments (in French)

For more information on the protection of trainees in the workplace: