
Role and Mission

OPPQ’s mission is to protect the public, ensure physiotherapists and physiotherapy technologists provide quality services, and support the development of both professions.

To achieve this mission, OPPQ:

  • Issues physiotherapist and Phys. T. licenses
  • Issues certifications for certain activities only professionals in the field are authorized to practice
  • Monitors and assesses members’ practices and professional conduct
  • Receives and processes public complaints and investigates and lodges official complaints when necessary
  • Combats the illegal practice of physiotherapy
  • Encourages members to maintain and develop their skills through continuing education
  • Promotes the development of physiotherapy
  • Helps government agencies and the media understand the important role physiotherapy and physiotherapy professionals play in Quebec’s healthcare system

You may consult the Citizen Service Statement

Our Vision

OPPQ wants to provide better quality, more accessible care for citizens and to exert its influence so physiotherapy and the professionals who practice it play a leading role in Quebec’s healthcare system.

View the 2015–2020 strategic plan

Our Values

  • Public safety
  • Members’ commitment to improving the physical autonomy of Quebec residents
  • Recognition of members’ important contribution to public health and to promoting their profession
  • Mutual respect among members and between members and OPPQ bodies
  • Fairness in receiving and processing requests from the public and members
  • Clarity,  simplicity, and authenticity in communications

Annual report